Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rick Santorum and the culture of abortion; what's wrong with anchor babies?

Even if abortion was illegal, that doesn’t mean that women would be having more babies.  The real question that Mr. Santorum and other Republicans need to answer is why are they so adamant about deporting anchor babies and denying amnesty to millions of unauthorized immigrants when we are in such desperate need of people to fill our demographic hole?  Immigration would certainly be more of a sure thing for  increasing the working population in the U.S. than forcing women to have more babies than they want could be.   

A larger population would not only address the issue of Social Security but also the national debt.  Increasing the number of people would reduce the per capita debt. 

In a happy coincidence, nothing would cure our sick housing sector more than a sharp increase in our under forty population.  There is no business sector, in fact, that would not benefit from having the population sharply increased.   

The pick-up in consumer demand from increased immigration would be the signal employers need to think about hiring new workers.  The complement of more diverse job skills from increased immigration would make more business plans feasible and that would bring further increases in hiring.  That’s how an increase in immigration would help to put our busted employment puzzle back together.  Going in the opposite direction, towards less population, holds no future for the United States.  

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